UK Games Expo 2024

Mitch, Ryan and Liam talk about their experiences at UK Games Expo 2024

UK Games Expo 2024
9 min read

UK Games Expo is the largest Hobby Gaming convention in the UK showcasing a huge selection of board games, card games, party games, TTRPG and more!

This year there were over 600 exhibitors spanning 3 halls of the NEC in Birmingham ranging from hugely well known games like Catan (who were a sponsor this year) to small independent game designers.

We're trying something a little bit different in terms of our press coverage for this event and it's going to be written from a couple of the folks in the team that attended the event from very much their personal perspective having attended the event, we hope you enjoy!

Having only previously been to gaming conventions with a focus on video games (although I always manage to find myself spending the most time at the dnd stands and the occasional board game where I can find them) UKGE was an event I’d been very excited to attend. It felt like there was something there for everyone, and it was a truly family friendly event. There were games designed for young children, with an emphasis on learning; ranging to huge, detailed 3d maps for roleplaying games like DND and plenty of board games to get stuck into.  All 3 halls seemed to be entirely full of people and stands, and it was a really nice atmosphere being around so many people with a shared love of games!

Some highlights for me:

While we were waiting to go and watch The Dark Room, while we queued it was amazing to see the free play areas set up in the Hilton, there were hundreds of tables all full of people playing different games, not a phone in sight. We recognised some of the games as ones we’d looked at (or bought) and it made a massive change to see so many people completely engrossed in spending time with each other, not staring at screens. Over the course of the weekend we also took some time to play a few games as a group, including Horrified which we really enjoyed, working together to defeat the big bad in the game, and tinderbox (which was infuriating but ultimately quite fun).
As always, the Dark Room was a lot of fun, with special guest appearances from some of John’s friends - who pretended to be John’s parents giving him an intervention - and a group of vikings who stormed in and had a battle sequence in front of the stage.

One of the games we were able to play was a demo version of You Know It! A party trivia game where you can still win even if you don’t know any of the answers. It got funded on Kickstarter in 3 hours, and we can see why! The premise is that you all answer a round of quiz questions on your whiteboard, keeping your answers a secret, and while you answer you also have to guess how many other people playing will know the answer. Then you can bet chips on whether other people will know it or not know it. This adds an extra layer of fun and challenge to the game, and means you have to be able to keep a bit of a poker face, or bluff confidence so that your opponents bet wrong and miss out on additional points.

Some independent games to mention: I bought a copy of thrufour, which is a really interesting puzzle game designed by an old friend (a really nice surprise to see there!). The aim is to use the various shaped wooden pieces to create 4 holes all the way through (hence the name) - they have over 700 patterns to try and solve, as well as the big one of the 4 holes all the way through! We also picked up a copy of Ominoes by YayGames - after a 5 or so minute demo we were sold! You roll dice with different symbols to try and score points, and can use some special moves to thwart your opponents plans! Finally, after buying The Necrohamster at a previous gaming convention and seeing that Jackdaw Co. Games were at UKGE, I picked up a copy of the card game Communist Cats, I've not had a chance to play it yet, but if the Necrohamster is anything to go by it will be alot of fun, and the art style for both games is so fun!

Overall, UK Games Expo was a truly amazing event, and I feel very lucky to have been able to attend, here's to UKGE 2025 - it's the 30th May to the 1st June, and if you're able to get to the NEC in Birmingham I would highly recommend keeping your calendars free and coming along!

(Mitch/@[email protected])

This years UK Games Expo was my first, despite being told by a lot of friends and colleagues for 4 or 5 years now that it was a must attend event, I tended to forget it was happening until far too late to have the timing work out to attend. This years event was incredible and I'm so grateful that the timing worked this year to be able to attend.

The first thing that struck me when we entered the expo halls was just how busy it was, coming from events such as Insomnia and EGX, the UK Games Expo main expo halls were incredibly busy and never seemed to really get any less busy. The halls were absolutely packed full of exhibitors and these were a great mix of places you could go buy something be that a big retailer stocking hundreds of different games for the show or be it smaller indie type game creators who were play testing and gathering feedback for their game before it goes to market, and everything and anything in between.

Those of us that attended ended up spending quite a bit more than I think we were expecting to on new games and for me it was a wonderful mix of games I'd played before going, The Sherrif of Notingham being one that I'd played with friends many years ago and very much enjoyed but never bought before, to games we'd seen at the show and after watching or participating in a demo deciding we had to get them like Ominoes which looked incredible and I'm very excited to play now.

My time at the event was primarily split between walking the show floor on a mission to see all the stands there were (Which I'm 99% sure I failed miserably at because there was just so much to see!) and actually playing some board games with friends and colleagues that were also attending. Learning how to play Horrified and falling in love with the game was something I really enjoyed, and I loved being able to play test some of the new games, You Know It! being one that I'm still exceptionally excited to be able to get in my hands once they start to ship and play at home. Wrymspan was another board game I ended up picking up and I'd played it with friends a little bit before the event and knew I wanted a copy for board game nights at home. We also ended up getting a copy of Catan which I've yet to play but excited to see what the excitement is all about as I didn't manage to play any of it at the show this time.

If I had to pick one negative aspect of the event it probably would be that it was just so popular and crowded, especially on the Saturday we could only really do short stints in the main expo hall trying to look at stands before the hustle and bustle and noise was so much that we couldn't hear the people we were talking to and needed to get out to get some fresh air. There's so much to see at the event it was a shame needing to take that time out where we don't usually need to when we are at other events but I'm so glad we got to see as much as we did.

We didn't get involved in a lot of the other entertainment at the event though there was plenty of activities happening outside of the expo. We did attend The Dark Room Until ya die! which was a lot of fun, The Dark Room had become something of an insomnia tradition for us and we wanted to continue that as we attend UK Games Expo in the future. The show was good though one of the down sides of it being a much smaller crowd and room was that the AV was lacking and it was impossible to see John for large chunks of the show if he wasn't on the stage at least from where we were sitting.

Overall the event was exceptional and I'm really excited to attend next year. Having attended this years and knowing a bit more about what to expect next year, the show preview is absolutely essential for us and trying to get around more of the expo so we can make sure we see everything there is to see and know what we want to come back for will be a lot of fun.

Ryan (@[email protected])

Experiencing the UK Games Expo: A Board Gamer's Paradise

We recently had the pleasure of attending the UK Games Expo (UKGE) at Birmingham's NEC, one of the largest and most exciting board gaming events in the country. From shiny new releases to beloved classics, all wrapped up in an electric atmosphere unlike anything I’ve experienced before—UKGE truly had it all.

The Atmosphere: More Than Just Games
 As we walked through the bustling halls, you could feel it—a tangible energy of anticipation and excitement. From seasoned veterans on the hunt for the next "big thing" to families discovering a new love for board games, people of all ages were united by this hobby. Board games have a unique way of turning strangers into friends (though a close win might momentarily tear families apart!).

New Games That Caught Our Eye
 Of course, the heart of UKGE is the games! There was no shortage of them, with countless new releases and prototypes on display. As we made our way through the expo hall, a few titles really grabbed our attention:
You Know It: A trivia party game with a twist—you don’t need to know the answers! Players guess which of their friends knows the answer and bet points on it. It’s fast-paced and hilarious, perfect for parties.
Fallout: Wasteland Warfare: A campaign-style war game that immerses you in the iconic Fallout universe. You forge your own crew and embark on a journey worthy of any Fallout fan.
Distilled: With rich, thematic artwork, this strategic card game tasks players with creating the finest spirits from their family’s distillery. If you love strategy and want to sink your teeth into something "sweet," this one’s for you.
It's always exciting to see fresh spins on genres we know and love, and we can't wait to explore these games further.
Even though new releases took the spotlight, there was also plenty for those looking to expand their collections with tried-and-true classics. Naturally, we couldn’t resist bolstering our own ever-growing backlog of games!

More Than Just Gaming
 Beyond the games, UKGE was a showcase of incredible artistry. The talent of the artists and game designers who were selling their merchandise was nothing short of breathtaking. From intricately illustrated card games to expertly crafted miniatures, the creativity on display was awe-inspiring. We spent hours wandering the stalls, marveling at beautifully handcrafted dice and stunning artwork.
UKGE embraces the broader culture surrounding tabletop gaming, with fantastic cosplay on display and a packed schedule of events throughout the weekend. It's a paradise for anyone who loves pop culture and gaming in all its forms.
Incredible Talent on Display
Independent creators were out in full force, proudly showcasing their handmade accessories, custom dice, and original game art. Their passion was evident in every item, from the intricate detail of each game piece to the stunning artistry in their prints. We were particularly moved by how much heart these creators pour into their work, turning their love for games into pieces of art that fellow gamers can cherish.

A Heartfelt Community and Plenty of Play Space
 What made UKGE truly special was the sense of community. Board gamers are a passionate and welcoming bunch, and the expo felt like a gathering of kindred spirits. Conversations with strangers sparked easily over shared games, creating an atmosphere that felt like home, whether you’ve been gaming for years or were just getting started.
And for those who couldn’t wait to crack open their newly acquired games, UKGE had plenty of dedicated play areas. Tables were set up throughout the event, where gamers could dive straight into their purchases. It was amazing to see groups forming quickly, enjoying their games together—a true testament to the magic of tabletop gaming.
I, for one, can’t wait to return to UKGE next year. With my wallet already bracing for impact, I know I’ll be blowing my yearly paycheck on another round of board games and trinkets. Hopefully, I’ll see you there!

Liam (@[email protected])

Thank you to the team at UK Games Expo for providing us with access to the event over the extended weekend for us to be able to create this coverage and experience your event. We can't wait to see you again in 2025!