I'm pleased to announce that Superior Networks has now received it's first major re-brand since it's inception back in March 2013.

Our original logo was incepted at the point that I decided I wanted to get into the hosting space, and was created by a good friend of mine because the proposed one I had come up with looked really really bad! The logo had a minor refresh not long after the site launched as we lost the original assets from the branding and took the time to make some minor tweaks. The other assets such as the Favicon and header images on social media, were never really designed with a brand identity in mind, and were created to avoid having blank space.

Thanks to a huge amount of work by our in-house (and very wonderful) graphics designer Mark Robertson, who also recently re-designed the core ATLAS Branding to our new look, we're pleased to announce the new branding for Superior Networks is now live!

Our New Header Image

You can see above our new logo for the Superior Networks brand centred pride of place, this will be used also in conjunction with our new wordmarks throughout our sites and services.

New Logo with Wordmark

And you can see above the new logo (Dark Text) which will be the primary one used across our sites.

There will be a few further updates to our websites to align with the new colour scheme, we expect the branding to be fully complete by the end of March 2023.

We hope you love the new style we're working with, we're excited to enter into the next chapter of the brand with your incredible support.