Welcome to our write-up on the MCM Comic Con London March 2017 event that we recently attended. I would like to start this post off by thanking MCM for hooking both myself and my colleague Callum up with the passes, it is greatly appreciated and allowed us to provide a range of coverage for the event including this article.

The day started off with a long travel up to the event for the both of us, mine somewhat longer than it needed to be due to both rail replacement (Bleh) and having to evacuate the London Victoria underground train station (Always fun), later to find the entire line closed, and limited alternate ways to travel to the event, always a good start. I was however very fortunate to have met with 3 fellow Comic Con attendees on the coach into London that morning, and managed to find one of them later in the day when we finally got to the event (Because guess who got on the wrong DLR Train thinking it was going somewhere it was not...) so that was very cool, and was great to meet more friendly faces before the event even got underway

When I managed to get to the event I collected my press pass (Very swanky press passes MCM issue I must say), before meeting with my colleague Callum, getting our gear setup in the press area and then heading off into the halls to look around. The layout its self was a bit weird for me, coming from events like Insomnia and EGX where everything tends to be either in a single hall, or all connected, to have things spread accross multiple halls that were oposit each other was a bit strange, though it was nice to easily be able to find things with the iles numbered properly (Take not other events, it wasnt a nightmare to find things here).

While on the show floor we bumped into the amazing team from Special Effect, and also Dave from Blockships (You should go and check both of these out now), and caught up on things, and I continued to get worse and worse at playing Blockships, I appear to get worse just about every time that I meet Dave... I probably need to get my game face on and do better here. We spend a lot of the day looking around the expo, the expo side of the event is massive, and isnt the sort of thing you can have a quick glance through and call yourself done. It took quite some time before we had gone through everything, seen all we wanted to see and spoken to everyone we wanted to meet with and have a chat with.

A lot of the rest of the event was working towards getting as many pictures from the event as possible, at the time of writing this, we still have a significant amount more pictures to go up, but its not a quick process to edit and uplaoad all the pictures. We are looking to streamline this somewhat for future events, but they should all be up shortly!

That more or less summs up the event from me, it was an amazing event that I very much enjoyed, and I hope to be attending many more Comic-Con's yet. I hope to see you at an event soon!